Scrivener 3 - What's New and Why I'm Even More In Love

I'm not too proud to admit to my rabid Scrivener love. And that was before the latest update, Scrivener 3, rolled out.

Before you ask--no, not all the features are available on Windows yet! But they're working on it, and at last check, it was scheduled to be available later this year. 

I've converted more than a few people from the dreaded OTHER processing program, and though it will always likely be necessary for certain steps of the publishing process, I try to use Scrivener for as much as humanly possible. For good reason. It's just better.

So, what makes it that way?

Glad you asked! Since I'm a bit...vocal about my Scrivener feelings, I was nominated to do a session in my writing group about some of the new features. (Some of the old ones too, but those are for another post.)  And I figured I might as well share them all with you as well!


Those are my fav Scrivener 3 updates!

If you're new to Scrivener, or thinking of doing a trial, stay tuned for another post on Scrivener's basic features!